Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Best Medicine

No doubt about it, I'm a HUGE fan of the 'prank'. In fact, random strangers automatically assume I'm the youngest sibling because apparently I have the personality of "the baby" (What exactly about me screams 'mischievous'?). However, I also find playful banter and harmless teasing endearing and completely necessary to keep any friendship and/or relationship alive. It's those tightly-wound bitches that usually shit a brick when they're exposed to any insignificant or microscopic prank (you know who you are!). I could never date someone like that. Any relationship I'm involved in has to be playful and casual (a la. Jim and Pam from The Office). Save the conventional and conservative rendezvous for Palm Springs. I want something more.

Therefore, when I was cruising the net, I came across an amazing home video. Apparently, this husband/wife duo have an ongoing joke they play on each other. Having watched it repeatedly, I'm convinced that my aforementioned epiphany proves true. It's the small, loving jokes and pranks between couples that really make the relationship work.

Dancing Machine

1 comment:

RC said...

small little pranks here and there are always fun!