"What will you remember most when you look back at the year 2007?"
It's a question that has been posed to me a whopping three times in the last week, and to be quite frank, I have yet to solidify an answer. This day in age, it's not so much what you "remember most". But rather, what you hope to forget. It's funny, no matter how much good happens in a year, the bad often leaves you with the fucking stain. And no matter how hard you try to scrub that stain out, you're always left with a lasting mark which will stay with you for years to come.
Oh 2007, you reek of an uncomforable, foul disdain which will undoubtedly seep and sit in the fibers my clothes now and through the new year. Why can't you show me a little mercy? Why are you constantly calling out to me? Why do you get so much pleasure in holding on to the small, superficial obstructions? The good has to have some sort of say in the type of year I had. Why is it so difficult to let the good in? Please, 2007, stop being such a pretentious bitch. Allow me a little freedom to postively examine myself. You know what, fuck you 2007. I don't need your permission. You know why, because 2008 is a brand new year. And I'm certain 2008 will be much more cooperative.
"What will you remember most when you look back at the year 2007?" It's a stupid question. What I'm most thankful for? Now that I can answer.
Happy New Years. Here's to good health and the days.