Wednesday, April 30, 2008

An Apology to Diablo

There's a point when reality and make-believe collide, and that point occurred at about 3:10pm today. Today, I regrettably posted a DiaBlog that outlined various inaccurate occurrences that were falsely revealed to me from a friend. Immediately, I figured since Diablo's a public figure, her business should be public as well. I was wrong.

This afternoon, various people (including Diablo herself) instant messaged me to set the record straight. While many people would be elated by Diablo's pop-up message, I was filled with yuppie guilt. (side note: I realize, this "messenger" could have been some concerned fan posing as Diablo Cody. However, enough people were concerned that an apology was definitely in order). I cannot apologize enough for succumbing to my own selfish (albeit, stupid) needs and revealing way too much. I should have known better. I understand Diablo's not an actual "friend" (I'm just another face in the myspace-friend crowd. I don't fool myself otherwise). However, she is a human friggin' being and shouldn't have to be subjected to any unnecessary and unsubstantial gossip (from her alleged "fan", no less). So, I'm really really sorry Diablo.

That being said, I'm completely surprised Perez Hilton sleeps at night. I felt like shit afterwards, and I could never do this kind of "journalism" for a living. I've totally learned my lesson.

P.S. If it's any consolation, as I drove home from work this evening, a trucker hocked a loogie and spat on my windshield. If this isn't an open and closed case of karmic retribution, I don't know what is.

My apologies.


Lorenzo said...

"But you already did... To Emily"

Anonymous said...

eff diablo!!

that biznitch needs to learn how to play the game, son!!!

rule number one in the world of "fame"...ignore something and it goes away! you NEVER comment or acknowledge something, definitely not to the source. it only makes you (her) look guilty. as. charged.

now quiet down 'blo. these walls be paper thin.

im out.
